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Home School Agreement

Bedfont prides itself in being an emotionally intelligent and happy place to learn and work, where everyone is valued and challenged.  We aim to get the best out of every child and equip them with skills for life. We believe that Bedfont Primary School children are uniquely talented individuals. No matter their starting points, we will nurture their love of learning so they can reach their full potential. We believe that by recognising and celebrating our diverse community, we will create global citizens who can improve their local community and the world around them. Bedfont Primary School’s aim is to create a safe and happy learning environment.

In order for your child to become a successful learner, confident individual and a responsible citizen, and because we know the significant positive impact that a strong parental partnership can have on a child’s progress and happiness, we have the following expectations of all pupils, parents/carers, staff and governors who join our flourishing school community:


Pupils will:

  • Follow our school rules: ready, respectful, safe.
  • Champion our school values of cooperation, compassion, calmness, curiosity, creativity and confidence.
  • Come into school every day and be on time.
  • Work hard and always try my best both in class and in my homework.
  • Take care of school equipment and our school environment.
  • Wear school uniform, take pride in my appearance and remember that I represent my school at all times.
  • Be polite and considerate towards all members of our school community and their property,
  • Always ask for extra help if I need it and know who to go to if I am worried about something.
  • Be proud of my own achievements and celebrate the achievements of others.


Parents/ Carers will:

  • Encourage my child to follow the school rules: ready, respectful, safe.
  • Make sure my child attends school every day and inform the school of any absence.
  • Make sure my child arrives on time, is properly equipped for school and wearing the correct school uniform.
  • Make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour.
  • Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour.
  • Champion the school’s values of cooperation, compassion, calmness, curiosity, creativity and confidence.
  • Support my child in their homework and other home learning opportunities.
  • Regularly read with and to my child in line with age appropriate expectations.
  • Ensure the school has up to date contact details and permission to collect information.
  • Attend parents’ evenings and other meetings concerning my child’s progress or wellbeing.
  • Respect the privacy of all children in the school, seeking permission before posting photographic/video material online.
  • Communicate with school staff in a respectful manner.
  • Help my child to understand that everyone is of equal importance.
  • Respect others in the school community and embrace the inclusive nature of our school.
  • Keep up to date with school life by reading the newsletter and other communications and visiting our website.
  • Raise any concerns directly with the school.


 The School will:

  • Ensure all children follow our school rules: ready, respectful, safe.
  • Support all children to feel safe and happy.
  • Champion our school values of cooperation, compassion, calmness, curiosity, creativity and confidence.
  • Encourage all children to believe in themselves, feel valued, achieve their full potential and celebrate their successes.
  • Build and establish secure relationships with the pupils and families at our school.
  • Provide and deliver a broad, balanced and stimulating curriculum to meet the individual needs of your child.
  • Provide regular feedback to children about their learning and personal development; giving praise, recognition and support where appropriate.
  • Encourage and model good behaviour and manners, follow the procedures set out in the behaviour policy and implement the school’s policies on inclusion and anti-bullying.
  • Keep parents informed of their child’s social, emotional and academic progress; contacting parents at an early stage should any problems arise.
  • Care for all children ensuring that safeguarding procedures are followed and know what to do if they have a concern with the children’s welfare, health or safety.


This is an unsigned document which we expect all members of our school community to abide by at all times.