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Headteacher's Welcome

A warm welcome to Bedfont Primary School; situated in Hounslow, close to Heathrow Airport. Bedfont is a primary school for children 2-11 years. We also offer wrap-around care 7.30am-6pm. Bedfont has an extensive site with lots of outside space, including a large school field.

Bedfont prides itself in being a welcoming and happy place to learn and work, where everyone is valued and challenged.  We aim to get the best out of every child and equip them with skills for life.

At our last inspection, in December 2023, Ofsted judged us to be GOOD:

"Staff have high expectations of what pupils can achieve at Bedfont. This is a welcoming and inclusive school."

"Pupils enjoy coming to school. They are kept safe and know who to talk to if they have a concern."

"Staff have high expectations of pupils' behaviour... Relationships at the school are positive and respectful."


We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust and so we teach our children to be aware of their rights and to respect the rights of others. Every member of the Bedfont school community should feel valued and respected and be treated fairly. 

With a wonderful mix of cultures and over 50 languages spoken in the school, we embrace the diverse population within the local community. Partnership with families is important to us and there are lots of opportunities to be included in school life.

“'We are so happy with our son’s progress and how fast he has settled in. He is looking forward to going to school every day and always comes out smiling. He talks positively about his teachers and enthusiastically explains what he has learnt every day. His confidence has grown a lot since he started school, especially when it comes to interaction with other children.” (Parent)

Bedfont has a huge amount to offer. If you are interested in joining us, we would love the opportunity to meet you – please contact the office to make an appointment.

With very best wishes,

Mrs Gemma Donnelly

Head Teacher