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Curriculum Enrichment

Enrichment for 2024-25

We have carefully considered our curriculum enrichment for 2024-25 to enhance the learning of all children at Bedfont Primary School, building their cultural capital and allowing them to widen their horizons by taking part in a carefully planned range of visits, workshops and wider activities.

In addition to the enrichment experiences contained in the leaflets below, there will be other visits and visitors throughout the year, details of which will be shared with children and families at the appropriate time.

If you have any questions about enrichment activities, please contact the School Office.

If you would like a confidential conversation about financial support for enrichment activities, please speak to Mr McAllan, Specialist Home Engagement Lead.

Year 1 Enrichment Booklet

Year 2 Enrichment Booklet

Year 3 Enrichment Booklet

Year 4 Enrichment Booklet

Year 5 Enrichment Booklet

Year 6 Enrichment Booklet

If you are a local business or charity able to offer financial support, please contact Mr Crinall via the School Office.