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    • Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

      "When we give every child the best start in their early years, we give them what they need today. We also set them up with every chance of success tomorrow."

      Development Matters, 2021.  

      At Bedfont, we believe that Early Years education is fundamental in creating joyful, creative and aspirational learners. Research shows that that high - quality early years education makes a life-long, positive difference to children and this is our mission at Bedfont Primary School.   

      Our Early Years provision is very much part of our school here at Bedfont. The provision is overseen by our senior leadership team as well as the whole school EYFS Lead. We fully believe that the Early Years matter and take great pride in our provision here at Bedfont.  

      Our practitioners have an excellent knowledge of child development which informs the planning and decisions we make in order to move learning on in a challenging, yet supportive and nurturing way. Our children come from a variety of backgrounds and cultures and each child is treated as an individual. We feel it is important for each child to be aware of cultural differences and to respect the beliefs of others. We provide all children with a rich, safe and stimulating environment that is inclusive and supportive for all.  Learning is play-based and takes place both indoors and outside.  Our Early Years curriculum is rooted in high quality inclusive texts so that our children develop a love of reading whilst being immersed in vocabulary to aid their language development. The children have the opportunity to explore, to be challenged, to be curious, to experiment, to investigate and discover.  

      Aims of the Early Years Foundation Stage at Bedfont

      - Children access an enabling environment that is rooted in high quality play.   

      - Children are unique. Their personalised learning journey is developed and supported through equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice to ensure good progress and that no child gets left behind.  

      - We create an environment which supports strong partnerships between children, practitioners and parents and/or carers.  

      - We make sure that our practice ensures pupils feel happy, secure and safe to become independent, self-assured risk takers who are confident, resilient and motivated to learn in many different ways.   

      - Pupils develop solid foundational knowledge and skills that are progressive and developed over their time here at Bedfont.

      - Provide children with the best possible start to their educational journey with us.

      Our Provision

      Our Early Years provision consists of Pufflings, Nursery and Reception.   

      Pufflings is our 2-year-old pre-school provision. Our wonderful pre-school provides a warm and welcoming environment. The small and friendly setting allows for the children to be curious and active learners. The purpose – built classroom has access to a resourced outdoor space. With a fantastic core team of practitioners our children benefit from fun child-led activities and great teaching. Three-hour sessions, 9am -12pm, are available for 2- and 3-year olds.   

      Our Nursery provision is led by a qualified teacher and a team of experienced key workers. Nursery offers a well organised, creative, playful, stimulating learning environment in a purpose-built nursery classroom. The Nursery classroom also has access to numerous outdoor spaces which ensures that the children are able to take their learning outside during their free – flow sessions and get fresh air every day. In our Nursery we offer both full time and half day sessions for children from 3 years and 3 months. It operates during term – time and provision is split into two separate classes each week.  

      Your child’s journey can then continue with us into their Reception Year where we have two full time Reception classes. Children can enter into our Reception classes in the September from when they are 4 years old.  Each class is staffed by an Early Years teacher and supported by Learning Support Assistants. The Reception year is the final year of the Foundation Stage where children will work towards achieving their Early Learning Goals. In Reception we build on the strong foundations that your child has made throughout their learning journey so far, whether that be in our Nursery, other settings or at home with you. We have two Reception classrooms and the children are also able to access our outdoor area during their free – flow learning. We spend time getting to know each child as an individual and work hard to establish strong relationships between home and school. We pride ourselves on having a broad and exciting curriculum that is relevant and engages our children.  

      • EYFS curriculum  

        Learning in EYFS is a balance between adult directed learning, enhanced provision and child initiated experiences.   

        Planned focused activities where adults work with a small group of children at a time. Teachers will differentiate the activity to meet the needs of every child participating.   

        Small group teaching of early reading and writing through a phonics based programme called Little Wandle Phonics.
        - Whole class teaching for short periods of time such as shared storytime, direct teaching (for example of maths), songs and rhymes, discussions and sharing work.
        Opportunities for teachers to work alongside children as they develop their own interests in particular areas of the curriculum.  

        Our ambitious, broad and balanced early years curriculum enables our children to become independent and curious learners. It follows the standards outlined in the latest version of the EYFS statutory framework that applies from September 2021.   

        The EYFS framework includes 7 areas of learning and development that are equally important and inter-connected. However, 3 areas known as the prime areas are seen as particularly important for igniting curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building children’s capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive.  

        The prime areas are: 

        - Communication and Language

        - Physical Development

        - Personal, social and emotional development 

        The prime areas are strengthened and applied through 4 specific areas: 

        - Literacy

        - Mathematics

        - Understanding the World

        - Expressive Arts and Design 

        For each area of learning, there are a set of early learning goals which summarise the knowledge, skills and understanding that all young children should have gained by the end of the Reception year.  

        At Bedfont Primary School, the standards in the EYFS framework have supported us to design our own bespoke Reception curriculum. Our curriculum is based on developing key knowledge and skills. Careful sequencing helps our children to build their learning over time. We consider the experiences that our pupils have had prior to joining us and we also take account of the locality and heritage of our school. We then base new learning on building upon what our pupils already know and can do. Their knowledge and skills are developed each half term to ensure that they develop a solid foundation for learning.  

        Our Early Years curriculum is the foundation of knowledge, skills and understanding our children need to be successful as they move forward into Key Stage 1