“Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or algorithms: it is about understanding.”
William Paul Thurston, American mathematician
We have adopted a mastery approach to teaching and learning in mathematics to build confident and curious mathematicians. As a school, we use the White Rose scheme of learning for Maths to support all children's understanding. We believe in a rich curriculum that allows for cumulative development of both knowledge and skills. We ensure our pupils are active participants in their learning as they experience concrete, pictorial and abstract representations of the world of mathematics. Precise mathematical vocabulary and talk are used to develop pupils who think deeply and purposefully. Our aim is for all learners to experience a sense of awe and wonder as they solve problems, think mathematically, reason and become fluent mathematicians. These skills of mathematics are vital for the life opportunities of our children and provide a foundation for many future careers.
In order for the children to master fundamental mathematical concepts and develop their mathematical fluency, we use Mathematics Mastery throughout Key Stage 1 and 2. This exposes children to a variety of representations, including concrete, pictorial and abstract and offers real-life contexts for their mathematical learning.
In Key Stages 1 and 2, topics, aims and objectives are taken from The National Curriculum Framework 2014 |
The curriculum overview and medium term plans provide our sequence of coverage. |
Through effective planning, teachers |
Fluency Sessions (Key Stage 2)
To support children develop and strengthen their understanding of number and place value and their use of the four operations, teachers in Key Stage 2 plan and deliver short sessions with a fluency focus. These sessions last for up to 15 minutes and provide children with the opportunity to recall prior learning and practice the key foundational elements of maths.
Formative assessment is undertaken during a lesson through discussion including talk tasks, mini plenaries and specific questioning between child and teacher; it is based on the objective for the lesson. It is also carried out through observations of children working in groups or individually. Questioning aims to help children learn by encouraging them to think critically and identify efficient methods and what they have achieved.
Summative assessments are carried out in line with the school's assessment schedule in Key Stage 1 and 2. They are used by teachers to identify gaps in children's understanding to inform the planning and teaching cycle, as well as supporting teacher assessment judgements and intervention groups.
There are opportunities for parents to see work and discuss progress at the consultation evenings and at parental request. However, class teachers are always willing to show and discuss maths at other times. Progress in maths is formally reported in the end of year school report and parents’ meetings.
Maths Support
There is a range of support for families with our Maths curriculum, including White Rose Home Learning and the National Numeracy Challenge.
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