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Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

“Through my education, I didn’t just develop skills, I didn’t just develop the ability to learn, but I developed confidence.” 

Michelle Obama, American attorney, author and former First Lady of the United States. 


Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) enables our children at Bedfont Primary School to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. Our curriculum has been developed so that PSHE permeates all aspects of the school day from assemblies to carefully planned PSHE lessons and activities using the Jigsaw scheme of work, regular circle time, clubs, current affairs, visitors such as local community groups and cultural and music events. It aims to help our children understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. Our curriculum has interwoven our school values of Compassion, Calmness, Confidence, Curiosity, Creativity and Cooperation as well as the British Values of democracy: the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and acceptance of those of other faiths and beliefs. This enables children to feel celebrated and prepared for life in modern day Britain. 

PSHE lessons provide pupils with the essential building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and adults. Pupils develop an understanding about physical health and mental wellbeing so that they are able to make informed decisions about their own health and wellbeing. It enables them to recognise what is normal and what is an issue in themselves and others and, when issues arise, know how to seek support as early as possible from appropriate sources. The delivered curriculum reflects the changing needs of our pupils. We believe that the purpose of PSHE education is to build, where appropriate, on the statutory content already outlined in the national curriculum, the basic school curriculum and in statutory guidance on a number of factors impacting the wellbeing of an individual, including: drug education, relationship and sex education (RSE) and the importance of physical and mental health.


At Bedfont Primary School, we use the Jigsaw Programme for PSHE which offers us a comprehensive and progressive scheme of work. The curriculum at Bedfont is split into six core themes: Being Me in My World, Celebrating Difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing Me. The school’s values - Compassion, Calmness, Confidence, Curiosity, Creativity and Cooperation are integral to our PSHE curriculum and are embedded through the whole school and cross curricular activities. The Zones of Regulation are used as a vital tool for PSHE education.

At Bedfont Primary School, from Year 1, we allocate 45 minutes to 1 hour to PSHE each week in order to teach the PSHE knowledge and skills in a developmental and age-appropriate way. Class teachers deliver the weekly lessons to their own classes. Children with SEND are supported to access their learning through high-quality, teacher-led quality-first teaching.

Assessment is essential to the effective teaching of PSHE. Assessment may be carried out at the start and at the end of units to measure progress and understanding. Additionally, each year group has a floor book, a space to capture key aspects of the learning journey. For early years, Tapestry is used to build a picture and record the children’s experiences, development and learning journey.

Bedfont Primary School works closely with parents and carers, and we believe strongly in the central role of strong and positive home-school communication. The PSHE and RSE policy is published on the school website and parent consultation is held for the RSE curriculum.


The impact of a good PSHE education cannot be understated. Quite simply, it forms the preparation for adult life, enabling a child to understand and face the challenges, complexities and questions that arise in a diverse world; they develop the ability to recognise and develop good relationships, positive mental and physical health, show respect and tolerance for all and develop an understanding of how their body will change and grow. PSHE here at Bedfont is tied together by the development of the key life skills and attributes which pupils need to thrive. These key skills and characteristics – such as self-management, empathy, critical thinking, communication, resilience, teamwork and negotiation are crucial for pupils to succeed in their personal, professional, and academic life. These skills are transferable to all other areas of the curriculum and will help children to understand these areas in new ways.  We want children to grow into positive and responsible adults who can work and cooperate with others while at the same time developing their knowledge and skills, in order to achieve their best.

Curriculum Documentation

Jigsaw PSHE Snapshot Overview

Jigsaw RSE Overview

Safeguarding Curriculum Mapping