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Sickness and Absence

If your child is not in school it impacts their progress.

We expect our pupils to achieve 95% attendance. This is the equivalent of just 6 days of education missed over the year.

You can report an absence by:

Email: attendance@bedfont.hounslow.sch.uk 

Phone call : 0208 890 7472 / 020 8890 4755 option 1.

Ensure that you give your child's name, their registration group and a quick explanation for the reason of their absence.

If your child is unwell you must be specific about the symptoms they exhibit, i.e. 'a temperature of 38.4' not simply 'fever'.

Absences may only be authorised when supported by evidence. Authorisation cannot be made until the supporting documentation is provided. We do not expect a doctor’s note, but please send proof of medical appointments or medication prescribed.  These can be sent to our absence email address. Please note that authorisation of absence is at our discretion.

Routine appointments need to be made outside of school time.  Hospital appointments we understand cannot be scheduled around the school day.  Please provide proof of appointments in advance to the absence email address.