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Pupil Premium Funding

Pupil premium is a designated amount of money that the government allocates to each school, based upon a number of factors which are linked to the perceived deprivation of certain pupils within a school.

This money is intended to be spent directly or indirectly on those pupils who are considered vulnerable because they are not meeting National Expectations in terms of attainment.

At Bedfont Primary School, we believe that every child has the right to achieve, succeed and thrive. We have high aspirations and ambitions for all of our children. We are driven by our belief that every child should have the opportunity to learn, make progress and fulfil their potential. As a school community, we work together collaboratively to carefully assess and monitor each child and to tailor learning opportunities to enable every child to realise their full potential.

Our pupil premium money will be utilised in a range of ways that we believe will have the greatest impact on those who are entitled to receive this additional funding. We will use it to provide a range of additional support for our children and our intention is that these specific interventions will have a significant impact on children’s learning and progress and so their attainment.

Our key focus in determining effective use of the Pupil Premium Grant is to narrow the gap between pupil groups to ensure that every child is able to make at least good progress. Nationally, children who are entitled to Free School Meals have historically achieved less well than their peers. At Bedfont Primary School, we intend to ensure that the gap is closed for all groups of pupils and we will carefully monitor any trends in attainment for specific individuals or groups to ensure we can maximise the efficacy of our interventions and support.

Information for Pupil Premium at Bedfont Primary School

28% of children at Bedfont Primary School are eligible for free school meals.

How do we decide what to use pupil premium for?

This is driven by the school leadership team and is based upon careful discussions, observations, assessment and monitoring. In collaboration with practitioners, leaders analyse the school data each term and make recommendations for the expenditure. The majority of our pupil premium is spend on strategies to raise attainment and close any gaps in attainment for children eligible for free school meals.

Please click below to view our our Pupil Premium Funding and Recovery Premium strategy documents.

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-24

Recovery Premium Strategy