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Curriculum Subjects

At Bedfont Primary School, we teach the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 and 2 and R.E. in line with the agreed local syllabus.

The National Curriculum is a framework used to ensure that teaching and learning is balanced and consistent in key stage 1 and key stage 2. It seeks to build on the foundation provided by the areas of learning in the Early Learning Goals. In Early Years and key stage 1, phonics skills are developed through daily lessons, following the 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds revised' programme.  Books are banded according to reading ability; the main reading scheme in Early Years and key stage 1 is the Oxford Reading Scheme, supplemented by other schemes such as Collins Big Cats.

The National Curriculum sets out the subjects taught as well as the knowledge, skills and understanding required in each subject. It also provides standards or attainment targets in each subject, and these are used by teachers to help measure your child's progress and plan the next steps in their learning. In accordance with the law, the school curriculum meets all the requirements of the National Curriculum, plus the requirements for Religious Education set out by the local authority.

Each of these curriculum subjects have been carefully broken down and mapped into smaller units of work which are delivered throughout KS1 and KS2.

The subjects of English, Maths, Science, Computing, RE, PHSE, PE and Music are taught in specific, discrete lessons.  Art, DT, History and Geography are also largely taught as discrete lessons although to encourage children to make links between these aspects of their learning, we encourage staff to make purposeful cross-curricular links where possible as part of our curriculum approach.

To find out more about the curriculum subjects, click on the icons below.

Core Subjects







Foundation Subjects



Art and Design




Physical Education (P.E.)






Design and Technology (D.T.)


Modern Foreign Languages




A Parent's Guide to the National Curriculum

English, Maths and Science remain very important and are considered the core subjects in both primary and secondary education. The National Curriculum sets out in some detail what must be taught in each of these subjects, and they will take up a substantial part of your child’s learning week. Alongside these are the familiar foundation subjects: Art, Computing, Design & Technology, Foreign Languages (age 7+ only), Geography, History, Music, and Physical Education. For these foundation subjects, the details in the curriculum are significantly briefer: schools have much more flexibility regarding what they cover in these subjects. Much of the publicity about the changes to the curriculum has focussed on ‘higher expectations’ in various subjects, and it is certainly the case that in some areas the content of the new primary curriculum is significantly more demanding than in the past. For example, in mathematics there is now much greater focus on the skills of arithmetic and also on working with fractions. In science, a new unit of work on evolution is introduced for Year 6; work which would have previously been studied in secondary school. In English lessons there will now be more attention paid to the study of grammar and spelling; an area which was far less notable in previous curricula.

Parents' guide to the national curriculum